T-210 Automatic Wall Mounted Thermometer


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T-210 Automatic Wall Mounted Thermometer

T-210 Automatic Wall Mounted Thermometer by Marsden is a great solution for multiple temperature readings in a busy working environment.  This automatic thermometer can be attached to the wall and entrance points to your building making it hands free.

Its uses motion sensors and infrared technology to measure temperature instantly.  Simply stand in front of the device (within 1cm-10cm) and within one second your temperature will display. If it is a healthy temperature a green light will appear accompanied by a single beep.  If the temperature is high, a red light will appear and the thermometer will beep continuously alerting you to an individual.  The device has a large LED Screen with digital print making is easy to read.   It has an energy saving/standby mode, when not in use it will turn itself off, conserving energy.  Power the T-210 from the mains using the 3 meter USB Type C lead, which comes provided.  Rechargeable batteries can also be used as back-up power.

Additional Features

  • MDD Approved
  • Covered by 1 year warranty
  • Instant, automatic measurements – within 1 seconds
  • No contact required – responds to motion
  • Instant audio and visual warning if temperature is high
  • Powered by USB Type C lead or rechargeable battery
  • Can be wall or stand mounted
  • LED display
  • Energy saving – standby mode
  • Measuring distance: 1-10cm

See also:

You may also be interested in other Thermometers within our Clinical Thermometer ranges available to purchase through Medipost.

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